Implement leak monitoring,
control flooding and accidents
Wireless water leak monitoring and protection system
  • 5 seconds

    from triggering to notification

    When a leak is detected, the sensor sends an alarm message to your personal account, Telegram and SMS.

  • 1 minute

    to install the sensor

    Simply place the sensor in the place of a possible leak without programming and configuration.

  • Up to 10 years

    of battery life

    A diagnostic message is sent once a day. The rest of the time, the sensor is in standby mode and is triggered when flooding.

Elecace Leak control

Management companies
Inspectors are not needed to control basements and attics, in case of a leak, an alert will come instantly.


React in time to the flood in the basements and leaks in the attics, to save the property of the tenet house.
Office buildings
Control the territory of the business centre: basements, mines, technical floors.
Get instant alerts about accidents in workshops and breakthroughs on highways.

The Elecface.Cloud personal account

Browse all the readings of water meters and receive alerts in your personal account from anywhere in the world via the Internet.

Leak control + resource accounting in one place

Monitor the condition of highways at several sites. Combine resource accounting and leak monitoring, it is convenient.

Leak monitoring sensor with the Elecface radio module

Contact leak sensors are connected to the Elecface pulse modem. The devices are placed in places where water is most likely to appear.
After installation, the modem will send self-diagnosis data once a day. If a leak is detected, the modem will send an alarm signal to your personal account.
The number of modems to install is unlimited. Place as many devices as you need to fully control the situation. Moreover, all this without the need to install additional equipment.

Why the Elecface is perfect for Controlling Water Leaks?

We have developed the simplest, but at the same time reliable, system for monitoring water leaks in buildings. Having a significant advantage over any wireless telematics technology in terms of penetration, the Elecface sensors work perfectly from deep basements of buildings and houses. This eliminates the need to lay cable routes and install intermediate relay equipment.

Leak control in industry is a preventive measure that minimizes the risk of damage from accidents, flooding of basements, roof leaks, and condensation on the facades of glass buildings.
In older houses, the damage can amount to tens of millions of dollars. On the one hand, this is due to the deterioration of water supply networks, on the other — the complete absence of any monitoring of leaks and emergencies.

In the event of an accident, before the water supply is cut off, dozens of cubic meters of water flow into the ground. Residents often have to pay for them, since all unaccounted-for water consumption automatically falls into the general household expenses, when using early leak detection systems, this situation becomes impossible, and residents do not suffer from unnecessary expenses.