The Elecface Low-power Wide-area Network
  • 45 regions

    is the Elecface network presence

    The Elecface network is expanding daily — new stations and devices are being added, regional representatives are deploying networks.
  • 320 stations

    are in our network

    Today, the Elecface network has more than 320 base stations in various regions of the world.
  • Up to 1 million

    messages per day

    Elecface servers process from 200,000 devices daily: electricity, water, heat and natural gas meters, various sensors, and sensors.

Network Development Program

The Elecface is constantly developing a telematics network so that subscribers can freely use LPWAN devices without being tied to a specific territory.

The regional coverage program is designed for several years ahead. In addition, the priority of cities is based on the number of potential subscribers. What if your city is not on the list? Just let us know, and we will suggest a solution. The Elecface network unfolds very quickly, and covers a radius of up to 10 kilometres within the city limits. We can deploy the LPWAN network in any area within 3 days.

If you have a need for the Elecface solutions, and the number of subscribers is more than 200, write to us, and we will tell you how quickly you can deploy a network in your city for your project.

Any questions? Ask!

Do you want to know how Elecface technology can help your business? Write to us!

How this information can be useful:
●     calculation for the installation of the The Elecface system;
●     question about delivery, installation and support;
●     we will talk about our new offers;
●     we will answer all your questions.